JAMD Oriental Music Division Concert in the Oud Festival

JAMD Oriental Music Division Concert in the Oud Festival
الأربعاء, 8 نوفمبر 2017, 19:00
إضافة إلى التقويم
Jerusalem Theatre

Verdi Harab, violin; Raian Aismy, qanun; Eyal Khoury, oud; Dror Tubul, bass
Special guest: Lev El'man, percussion


The Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance offers a glimpse of the future generation of Middle Eastern art music in Israel. This evening outstanding students from the Oriental Music Division will present classics of Arabic music by great Egyptian composers such as Muhammad Abdul Wahab and Mohamed el-Qasabgi, Turkish composers such as Tanburi Cemil Bey, Sebuh Effendi, and Göksel Baktagir, and finally contemporary local masters such as Nassim Dakwar, and the division's alummi such as Firas Esami. Along with these are works by students. In the 18 years of its existence the Oriental Music Division has produced generations of the finest artists in the field of Arab art music in Israel.