A Gala Evening of music and dance by the JAMD Conservatory

A Gala Evening of music and dance by the JAMD Conservatory
Sunday, 15 May 2011, 22:00
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The Jerusalem Theater - Henry Crown Concert Hall

Over two hundred Conservatory students will perform on the stage of the Henry Crown Auditorium of the Jerusalem Theater in various ensembles, from duets to orchestras, and featuring dance groups, the Ankor choir, and guest artists.


The repertoire will include works from Vivaldi and Brahms to Miles David and Stevie Wonder. two pieces by Israel Prize Laureates will be featured: The Young Chamber Orchestra will perform the world premiere of a suite by Andre Hajdu, composed especially for the orchestra, and the Symphony Orchestra will present Zvi Avni's "Three Legged Monster", featuring actress Lilian Barreto. 

The concert will feature ensembles of recorders, guitars, saxophones, and percussion, a piano trio and a jazz sextet. Students of the Dance Department will perform pieces from Tchaikovsky's Nut Cracker Suite with the Conservatory's Symphony Orchestra as well as. The dancers will also perform with the Percussion Ensemble.

A special tribute will be played by the renowned Ariel Quartet, which was established and nurtured at the Conservatory, and will be visiting Israel as guests of the International Rubinstein Competition. Special guest,  violinist Pei-Wen Liao from the Juilliard School, will perform together with our Conservatory students.

The Concert Flyer >>

The Conservatory is a leading institution of its kind in Israel. Our mission is to provide the best education in music and dance to all gifted children, regardless of their economic means. All proceeds from the concert are devoted to establishing a scholarship fund for our students.