Cello Master Classes with Prof. Zdzislaw Lapinsky

Cello Master Classes with Prof. Zdzislaw Lapinsky
الثلاثاء, 10 يونيو 2014, 13:00 to الأربعاء, 11 يونيو 2014, 17:00
إضافة إلى التقويم
Hall 301

Prof. Zdzislaw Lapinsky - Professor for Cello and Chamber Music and Rector, Krakow Academy of Music, Poland


10/6//14   10:00   William weil     Room 011
                 11:00  kama Sambira     Room 011
                 12:00   Freddie Julius    Room 301
                 13:00 Eyal Heiman       Room 301

11/6/14    10:00 Daniel Schwartz   Room 301
                 11:00 Igor Tankevich    Room 301
                 12:00 Nitzan Gal           Room 301
                 13:00 Yotam Haran         Room 301